Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat?

A whole year of bulls**t is worth this one single day - HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!! To all the witches, ghouls, ghosts, skeletons, goths, vampires, pumpkins and children with stomach aches because of too much candy - THIS DAY EVERYTHING GOES!!! No scribbles today, I'm off listening to my Halloween playlist and watching The Nightmare Before Christmas! Careful with the spirit boards tonight, peace out!

*starts singing 'This is Halloween, This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween...*

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Too Much or Not Enough?

Does anyone even read this? Doesn't really matter, I feel good just writing it. So - "Too Much or Not Enough?" is the last thing I've written recently. A friend of mine told me horror punks would like it - so, horror punks, come read to prove him wrong! :D

Time and weather - getting cold
And a horizon out of sight
And, oh, the sky looks so old
And the metal sun keeps shining bright

You feel tired and loose your belt
Loose your mind and future itself
Let's loosen the boarders and open the gates
Let's break all the fences and make way for the monster parade

I get signals of a picture motion
Coming from your lack of space
My, my, my, without a notion
you just leave and spit on my face

No contribution, lack of production
You've let too many cats out of your bag
We are the bringers of our own destruction
So get ready now to face the fucking axe!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Man, I loove buying CDs! It feels really good to know you have something original and that you have contributed to your band's popularity (in a good way!). Even if your parents are going to kill you because you've spent too much money on CDs - it still feels GREAT! Believe me, buying CDs in a country where CDs of your favorite bands come seldom is a huge deal - I know I can get them through Internet, but to have them wrapped, with booklets and everything is just.... beautiful *sheds a tear of joy*. ANYWAY, I think it's time to post another scribble - actually, it's a number of scribbles that I've put together because they're too short to be put separately. And when I write something new that's too short, it goes there as well. There's no connection between them, they're written in different time, but, hey, if you want to, search the link between. I am not going to stop ya. :D


I'm so tired, yet can't sleep
So downcast, yet I can't weep
Why are ya'll always smiling?
You fucking world is built on lying
Smiles as fake as your plastic hearts
It'll bring you down by playing darts

My forecast is not that bright
So I'm cast away from sight
Laughing, blasting, agonizing,
You're confused? It's not surprising.
If you could see it through my eyes,
your vividness would not revive


I wish I had someone to talk to
I wish I had someone to share...
To share all the pain I was brought to
And give it to someone who can at least fucking care

I try to hold back old tears to go out
As part of my weakness I bring new fears from the past
Looking for someone to have free memories to lend
and going back to 'once upon a time', when I still had a friend


The other night your pain knocked on my door
Dragging, crawling and bleeding on the floor
It was looking for a shelter since you've sent it away
So I took it all in and sadness is the price I pay

You said you never wanted to see it again
So if you look for it, your search would be in vain
Empty memories, left from the middle of last December
I'm so sorry, but I forgot to remember...


I heard my heart beating in a dream,
where nothing is as it should seem
Beating, then pounding, then raging, as if dying
Until there was silence in the night
Until nothing ever seemed right
I don't know if it was 'cause I was finally beaten
or 'cause I simply ceased to listen


Down, down, down, down, down in the ground
You're gonna rot, rot, rot, rot, rot without a sound
Gonna sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep till all dies
Won't wake up, up, up, up, up till all stops to shine

I'm gonna write my own will surrounded by a crowd
When it's all gone it will be sealed with my own blood
I will leave you all my bones to help you take the test
And gather then the vultures and worms to take the rest


Is it good to be naive?
Am I naive for being good?
Could you tell me where the evil sleeps
and can you force it to stay put?

You know nothing lies ahead
You know it's better to praise the dead
A spinning image of what has been
A sad story for future unseen

P.S. - Happy B-day, grandma!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

For Their Lost Souls + something more...

I had a very tiring day. Never thought that prom arrangements are so... shouting-involved. Also we got introduced to people traffic...again. And it made me think how this could happen to everyone - me, my friends, etc. People are really careless about their lives - if I can quote Tragic Black, they 'live fast and die young'. Moreover, they don't give a crap about the planet - humanity is cruel enough towards itself, why can't we respect our home? Everywhere you look around - it's people killing other people, wars, corruption and capitalism. When you think about it, it's kinda better if you just lock yourself at home and never leave. And again, you would never discover the good sides of life - even though they become lesser and lesser. Anyway, enough depressing thoughts, time for the new scribble - 'For their lost souls'. I don't know who 'they' are, but again - it could be anyone of you.

They felt like they were crucified
They just stood there petrified
All they wanted was to be dignified
They felt like they were crucified...

Home is nowhere now
But to get there - they just don't know how
Such a shame to do this - oh wow!
Home is nowhere now...

Who knows what's wrong and right?
Will they die on the way? - They might
Still they're walking through the night
Who the fuck knows what's good and what's bad?!

Obit (For your consideration)

My PC clock says 11:16 am, so Good Morning to all. Time for another scribble - Obit (For your consideration). That's the one someone told me sounds like punk - enjoy...

I'm not waiting, I'm not crying,
I'm not forgiving, I'm not denying!

I watch ruins, so old, dying
I see tree leaves, so sick, bleeding
I watch insects, so sad, trying
in the mood not to fall sleeping.

I see living, fallen in silence
I see traitors in a strong alliance
I see... iron fists, desiring violence,
but I can't see the end of the madness!


Stare, glare, unprepared
Fall, call, catch the ball
Sit, hit, join the pit
Fill, kill, pay the bill!

Four more will be torn
Many others won't be born
!Que sorpresa! ?A donde vas?
12-21 for us

Tooth for an eye
Heaven says goodbye
Aqua wants to fly
Ravens drown in sky

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Possibilities of the Unknown

Won't leave you alone now! I'm beginning to post all of my scribbles already written hoping it's not too boring or..erm - depressing. It's just that I can't write anything when I'm happy. My muse comes when I'm melancholic and/or angry and thus it results in something that sounds like punk or gothic. Generally, when I'm...eeerm - lost in a muse :D So! I'm not gonna waste anymore of your precious time and post my most favorite scribble. I called it "Possibilities of the Unknown" and I know that at least one person liked it - they even asked me to give it to them. Sorry, Leo, all rights reserved!

Can you scan a soul?
Can you drink the sea?
Can you buy time?
Can you see through me?

Can you lock a memory?
Can you sell a heart?
Can you paint your pain?
Can you finish from the start?

Can you reinstall your mind?
Can you see a black hole?
Can you make death be kind?
Can you play its role?

Can you heal a mortal wound?
Can you live after you've been hurt?
Can you laugh while you cry?
Can you kill a mockingbird?

Can you undo what's been undone?
Can you cross the sky?
Can you raise a fallen one?
Could you just explain why?!

!Hola, dudes!

Hello, crime fighters! Or whatever-you're-fighting-for, fighters! This is Joe here, welcome to the blog's first post. I will primarily post things that have influenced me during the day (or the period of time during which I won't write), things I have written myself (mostly bulls**t) and so on and so forth. That's it for now, peace out!