Thursday, February 17, 2011

El Tango de Roxanne

My dear no-ones-who-read-this, good evening! Last weekend I barely survived some virus in my laptop, was even about to re-install Windows, but somehow we managed to fix it - that's the advantage of living with two computer science students. However, my beloved Windows Live Writer appears to have fallen a victim to that, because it's not working at all, but given the fact my laptop is ok, I can live without the Writer. So I was right when I said things were gonna screw up indeed. It's not THAT a big problem, but for a student who does all her work on the laptop, plus studying in another country and not having anywhere to give it for repair, it can be really frustrating. I've probably used half my nerve reserve. At least I'll know to never ever ever EVER go to again.
On a brighter note, I got my results from the last psychology report for semester 1 today (remember, that with the fingers?). I'm seriously considering throwing a party, 'cause I got 65 fucking percent, which is the highest mark I've received for a report. I finally got the hang of it! On an even brighter note, my mom will take a puppy this Saturday, because having cats for 15 years taught they are total rebels! They do whatever they want, they pee wherever they want, they sleep in your feet whenever they want... so I decided I need something to worship me, instead of me worshiping the whiskers. The downside of it is that I'll probably see the little bundle of joy in a few months, or even later. Seriously, I'm this close to quit university to take care of the pooch (but don't tell anyone!).
I was thinking of posting something on St.Valentine's Day, wishing everyone a Happy Monday to rub the noses of all the florists and chocolate companies.... but I thought that would be too obvious. So I guess that's all I had to say for now. Take care and be careful when you surf the Internet!

P.S. - As for the title, I already named the puppy Roxanne. Plus, I watched Moulin Rouge! again last night.

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