Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cat lover for life!!!

I just got bitten by a dog – by a fucking damn spaniel! It belongs to my neighbors and I took him out for walks while they were on vacation. And THIS is how it repays me – charming. Now I have to get ANOTHER vaccine, except the one I need for university. The phrase ‘bite the hand that feeds you’ is in full force today for me. The place on my leg where the bastard bit me got blue and bled a little. Man’s best friend my ASS!!!! I knew cats are the better breed the day I got my first one and I’m staying on their side to the grave! There’s a reason the Egyptians worship them. Besides, they’re independent and free-spirited and no one can tame them. Plus, there’s something dark in cats – you know, black cats, graveyards, voodoo and all that crap weirdos like me find fascinating. Dogs are just pathetic…. what was that joke: The dog thinks: ”Those humans do everything for me – they feed me, water me, play with me, take care of me – they must be gods.” The cat thinks: “Those humans do everything for me – they feed me, water me, play with me, take care of me – I must be god!” xD That’s why I always have too many cats at home – currently 8. But once the little angels grow up, they’ll go to a nice home…. most of them, at least… or else!


I haven’t written here in a looong time. So what happened during that time – I went to the seaside… with my parents. Initially, the plan was to go with my “friends”, but they all decided to screw me up and my summer was about to be ruined but then I went with my parents and at least got to spend 3 days with my Internet buddy…. So actually, I’d have to thank the traitors who first promised me something and then lied to me – they screwed one good thing, but gave me another one that was even better than them. And from now on, I’m becoming selfish – ‘every man for himself’ like Sawyer likes to say. And someday, karma will get back at them…. or I’ll help, who knows. They’ll understand what neglect is and they’ll know how it feels like to prefer your fucking boyfriend to them. Oh, yes, sweet revenge…

What else – I paid my first fee for my dormitory today. I had to call their office and pay by a debit card – my, I have to get used to that accent! I really love British accent, but the woman on the phone was too much. On top of that, she talked really fast and I had to ask her to repeat some things twice. But now everything’s done – no more payments till I get there. I just need to get my translated birth certificate and get an European health card. And get some vaccines in order not to get rabies. That…… bloody dog!!!! There’s something funny for and end – his name is Fluffy….

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Saddest Word Ever

Well, what do you know, two posts for one day… Or not, it’s 4 minutes after 12 already. My muse came a little late, I guess. I have no intention of explaining my latest piece of crap, so just read along.


I've been on the track to the Great divide
a couple of times - that is how I've lost my mind
Going once, going twice, now I'm sold into slavery
to the big open world without any bravery

Imagine the crossroad of your life
with multiple directions, each pointed by a knife
There's the back - a dark room in your brain
There's ahead - a future going insane
There's right and left - people killing people
And there's you - alone, standing in the middle...

There's a rose bush in my home
that only blooms at the break of dawn
And I've got fireflies by the window,
and icicles in the snow
And I will give you ladybugs in a jar -
the best job I've done so far...

In the future, in the mirror
you will look at your eyes
and will not even remember
that I used to look in them too once

And the spiral will start spinning,
the sphere will keep on wheeling
One rose will fade, another one will flower
There'll be new figures on the board,
and the past will be devoured

The fireflies all flew away
to another window next to which to stay
Life has just begun, I know, and you'll forget about me
How foolish could we have been, for we did not see......

Aw, what a cute wittle baby!

I held a baby today for the first time in my life. No matter how little they are, babies are capable of what grownups aren’t – fixing someone’s mood. Mine, in particular. I don’t even know why I’ve been feeling like crap but having a new life around you can really kick out any suicidal thoughts you might be having and show you life IS worth living. Besides, they smell cute…. when their diper’s not full. I could barely hold the little guy – he was so small I was afraid not to break him. Lucky kid – still doesn’t know anything about selfishness or malice. Aaaand I’m going down to my hole again… I have to be around babies more often… which doesn’t mean I want one of my own. I’m not very sure I have a way with kids. Maybe because most kids I see every day don’t fit the phrase “Children are our future”. Whoever thought of toy guns is a fucking bastard. And people who don’t know how to raise kids shouldn’t have ones. But the point is – every new life brings joy and shows you there are more important things than your weekly depression, your boredom, your attention seeking and your melodramatic bullshit. Babies don’t care how good you are at being a drama queen – they need you to teach them how to be better than you….