Friday, August 12, 2011

Screw you, Clarach, I’m going home!

See? I told you karma would knock me out soon – better listen to me next time, ‘cause if the past has taught me anything, it’s that I’m (almost) always right! Basically they let me go from work, but it wasn’t exactly a sacking. First, last week they cut all new staff’s hours, mine went from 3 to 2, because apparently business isn’t going well this season. And this morning I didn’t see my name on the weekly rota, so the supervisor sent me home, I called the big lady boss who told me she has to let me go, because there’s nothing to do and clean in the morning and that she has to give everyone two days off because it’s so quiet. I’m not even disappointed, or mad, I thought the whole thing was utterly hilarious. And I do understand her point, even though if you ask me, I’d say that place is pretty dirty in the morning and it does need cleaning, but if she struggles paying the staff, it makes more sense to let someone new go than someone who’s been there for months. What I didn’t like is that she doesn’t bother telling you directly or at least telling the supervisor so he can let you know. No, we’re all left guessing  - funny thing is, the last time I checked, I still couldn’t read minds (damn it). Oh well, that’s life. At least I'm glad I was given an opportunity and now have more experience and therefore, a bigger chance to find something else. I’ll certainly miss all the freaks there though – there’s nothing quite like two guys singing Lady Gaga in falsetto in the morning. And, more time for the bloody essays! I really wanted to go home for a bit after submitting them, but I guess that’s also out of the question. At least I won’t start rioting on the streets like some people. Seriously, when I saw the newspapers last week, I thought I was in a movie. Children of Men, to be exact. I avoid giving my opinion about all the riots, but I do believe things are going too far. While there can be a number of good reasons to riot and rebel, vandalising, breaking into people’s homes and humiliating them is really going over the top. And when you see children at the age of 9 being there, you really start believing that this planet is screwed. Still I hope things will end peacefully and as soon as possible.
That’s all from me for now, so take care, whoever is reading this.


  1. ‘cause if the past has taught me anything, it’s that I’m (almost) always right!

    believe it or not, this, made my day.
