Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wake me up when September ends

I think I forgot to mention I’m not a straight edge anymore. Nope, definitely did not to say it. Oh well, there you go, alcohol got me. xD On a couple of occasions, for reasons beyond my control…. oh, who am I kidding, I took a perfectly conscious decision to drink. And the world didn’t end, imagine that! Not that I’m planning on making drinking a regular thing, but it tends to be fun when you’re around the freaks you call friends. I still support the straight edge movement and lifestyle, buuut I guess I’ll have to change my avatar on here. xD Don’t worry (if anybody worries, of course), I’m still a vegetarian – no one can make me change my mind about that. So, apart from that, life is pretty boring at the moment. Still looking for a job, still no new scribbles. One month left till university starts – imagine how excited I am about that! No, really, I am kinda happy, at least I’ll have something to do and I’ll see people who were lucky to be home for the summer. I can’t believe this will be my third year here – it feels like I arrived yesterday. And, hopefully, if someone doesn’t decide they don’t like my resit essays, it will be my final year as well. And I really, really can’t wait to get the hell out of here. I found nothing and no one to keep me here, so I’ll keep moving till I do, I guess. I’m glad about the people I met though – and I hope they’ll make the year bearable like the last two.
It’s September already, as of 25… make that 26 minutes now. I always get melancholy on the first of September. Probably because for the last two years it meant that my days home were numbered. There’s something sad about summer ending, and having nothing special happened – but then again, I find sadness everywhere, so who cares? Aand I’m getting the feeling that if I don’t finish this post now, I’ll blurt a whole more lot of nonsense, so good night… “and listen to the thunder.”


  1. you should change you avatar to "kiss me I'm drunk" xD and Autumn is beautiful, haven't you thought about that :)
