Friday, December 24, 2010

I’ll still be here, I promise

Okay, first off – Merry Christmas, everyone! I wish everyone to be happy now and all year round, and to have the strength to endure the tough moments when they become unbearable. As my own tradition, I’m posting my short version of The Night Before Christmas, weird style. xD And after that, I have a surprise.

'Twas the NightMare before Christmas, when all through the loss not a creature was stirring, not even a ghost. The stockings were hung by the chimney without care, in hopes that Sandy Claws soon would be there... But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, "Terrible Christmas to all, and to all a good fright!

Now, my surprise is that I finally wrote a new scribble! It’s a Christmas miracle! Most of it is old stuff that I stitched together with some new, but the point is that my “dry” period is over… for now. I wrote it two days ago, buuut was too lazy to post it then. So enjoy the scribble and happy holidays to everyone!

Our most dearly departed perfect lost souls;
Our most favorite of all little porcelain dolls:
We don't usually pray, but for you we'll make an exception -
may He take his revenge, burning your immaculate conception

We are the children of the no-ones-at-all
We're the children of those who decided to fall
We're poets accursed, renting rhymes to each other
We're cited references in a book read by another

The scars on our bodies are our diplomas
The next step is our new home
A new wall of fame to give them the honours
A year or less and then we'll be gone

We like to watch you from afar,
we love to feed on your pain
But we're really hoping that you die, we are,
so we'll never have to cry for you again

We're half-winged angels, created by smoke
Our hearts weren't meant to last forever
A day came and they eventually broke -
It is sad in heaven when you're living in terror...

Angels' hair grows white
once angels see the darkness in His light
So now we travel your land
with snow and ice, hand in hand

And when we're happy, we cry,
when we're sad, we smile.
When we're born, we die,
we're only here for a little while

We don't know where we are today
We don't know if we'll have tomorrow
We only know that we were betrayed -
here, we give you our song of sorrow

We'll play with thunder,
we'll kiss the sea,
until the waves put us under -
an ocean bed for us there'll be

As our last gift, let us honour you
with the only promise that we won't keep -
when the rest of the world walks out,
we'll be the first ones to leave

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