Monday, April 13, 2009

Whining is a very funny thing too. I'm glad it doesn't happen very often. It's just that loneliness likes to take the floor every once in a while, but I keep it locked up (most of the time). Riiiight... my loan papers for my university fee are filled, signed and almost delivered - but most importantly, done. A friend of mine and I have to make a website for our Information Technologies class so we decided it would be about our beloved future home - Aberystwyth... Man, if I don't type it fast, I forget how it's spelled! :D Good the locals call it just "Aber". I searched for info last night and found a very amusing quote about it: "Aberystwyth - a perfect place for the unambitious people." Still, it has all its Gothic architecture, and seaside, and Devil's Bridge.... I have a pretty selective memory, huh? Boy, no new scribbles and it's been more than a month - I'm losing my "gift". All I have is one line that I'm not angry enough to advance. At least I've been reading a lot lately. Aand, I have a new obsession - when I see money, my first thought is to go to the book store and buy a bunch of... pens. :D :D :D I think I already said that, but nothing wrong with repetition - I indeed bought 3 books with my scholarship, completely spent it 5 minutes after I got it. And I started to read two books at a time. Somebody stop me! (No, really, don't, that's (one of) the best obsessions I've ever had) All the books are by Mr. Pratchett - I decided I'll read "1984" in English when I get to Wales. Now I have 6 books and the whole summer ahead. Oh, did I mention I now have C in Literature? Apparently, our beloved teacher likes to take it out on the whole class because two of her favorite students decided not to go to the national Olympiad. It hurts to be ignored...
Just one term-test left - tomorrow, Spanish, but my brain stopped functioning about anything connected with school months ago. And now, since I'm being constantly distracted, I'm ceasing to write this post, because I began an hour ago. Hey, it's raining outside! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^

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